El Chapo (Joaquin Guzman Loera), who faces federal charges related to leading the Sinaloa cartel, is being held in a high-security jail in Lower Manhattan. However, he will be tried in Brooklyn. Therefore, whenever he has to physically appear in court he travels in a motorcade that includes armored cars, police cruisers, and an ambulance. As one might imagine, this makes for quite the spectacle in New York City especially when the emergency vehicles activate their lights and sirens.
All of this activity has led El Chapo's attorney to move for a change of venue motion to relocate the trial either to Manhattan or Philadelphia in order to decrease the likelihood that potential jurors will be exposed to all of the security measures currently used. In both locations, the courthouse is either connected to the detention facility or close to a local jail. It should be noted that El Chapo has twice escaped from prison while in Mexico.
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