The March edition of the Jury Expert is now available.
Intellectual Property Cases: Ten Lessons From Pre-Trial Research
by Ellen Brickman and Julie Blackman of DOAR Consulting
Ten lessons learned from mock jurors participating in pre-trial research on intellectual property cases.
Principles in Persuasion: Beyond Characteristics of the Speaker
by Brad Bradshaw of Bradshaw Litigation Counseling
What do you need to know about persuasion? The author of a recent book on persuasion summarizes the research so you know what to do now.
The Art of Rehearsing for the Courtroom
by Suann Ingle and Nancy Geenen of Suann Ingle Communications
Does it matter if you actually rehearse for mock trials? The answer is yes and these two consultants tell you why as well as the all-important 'how'.
Vocal Pitch in the Courtroom
by Jessica Boyle and Stanley Brodsky of the University of Alabama
High voice, low voice, male voice, female voice? What the research says about your vocal pitch and persuasion in the courtroom.
Road Warrior Tips (March, 2012)
Submitted by various ASTC frequent flyers
Do you know what the nastiest, germiest thing in your hotel room is? Think again. And learn how to avoid taking bedbugs around the country with you! These two tips and much more more in this growing category.
Harming Children: Uncovering and Overcoming Bias When Defending Sex Crimes Against Children
by Beth Bochnak of NJP Litigation Counseling (formerly the National Jury Project)
In our last issue we focused on 'sensitive topics' and approaching them successfully. Here's another one: an SJQ (and the rationale for various questions) for defending those accused of sex crimes against children.
A Big Book Filled With Big Ideas
by Steve Perkel of Archer & Greiner, PC
A review of Daniel Kahneman's (500 page!) tome Thinking Fast, Thinking Slow. What can we learn from this book to inform litigation advocacy. Steve says "a lot" but we have to give it time to percolate.
Weird Science: How Misperceptions of Litigation Consulting Can Drive Juror Cynicism
by Ken Broda-Bahm of Persuasion Strategies
You probably saw the "Why does everyone hate jury duty?" 'surveys' floating around the web. A trial consultant takes a look at the original article questioning our system and ponders how cynicism plays a role in the responses.
Irises, Tulips, Last Minute Scrambles & Gratitude
from Rita Handrich, Editor of The Jury Expert
Usually we keep this stuff from you. This issue though, a behind-the-scenes look at what members of the ASTC (American Society of Trial Consultants) are really like. Famous old saying: "Character will out."