Attorneys for the most part can investigate and monitor the jurors who are sitting on their trials. However, they may not directly contact those jurors. Thus, a potential ethical dilemma arises if the attorney wants to follow a juror on Twitter because the social media service will automatically email the juror notifying them that they are being “followed” by that attorney under that attorney’s account name. To resolve this issue, the folks at X1 Discovery have created X1 Social Discovery which according to the company:
enables access to all the past Tweets of a specified user (up to 3200 past tweets) and any new Tweets in real-time without generating a formal “follow” request with the resulting problematic communication. This feature works within the public APIs provided by Twitter for third party developers.
Also, you can use this service for non-jurors. The cost is $945 per year. If anyone has used this product, I would be interested in hearing how useful this service is.